Monday, November 21, 2016

Sugar Detox Day 21

Today was my weigh-in day. oddly, I lost 4 pounds in the first two weeks, then gained it all back last week. I'm not really sure why or how, but then, the scale is usually very puzzling to me.

I'll focus instead on this: In October I was given a pair of jeans that I could not pull up. It wasn't that they were hard to get into, I was just too big for the pants to even try. Last week I wore the jeans. hooray for me! They were tight, and after a few hours my hips were sore because they were so tight, but I could wear them! Today I am wearing the jeans and they are no longer tight. They are form-fitting, but no longer uncomfortable. I'm losing a lot of inches, it's just not reflected on the scale for some reason.

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