Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Sugar Detox Day 2

Approximately 3 hours into my no-sugar venture, my three- year-old handed me a chocolate chip pumpkin cookie. "I don't want it, mama. You eat it."

So kind, but so cruel. I LOVE pumpkin chocolate chips cookies. I had made this batch the day before Halloween. I made them with no sugar, but the chocolate chips had sugar in them. I ate a lot of them as soon as they came out of the oven and several more on Halloween. I had two leftover; one for each of my children's lunch. And now, here it was, in my hand. 

Justifications ran through my head: I've barely even started! So it's like I ate it before I started! It doesn't have added sugar in it. It's got 3, maybe 4 chocolate chips max. Maybe I'll eat around them.  I can turn my three- year-old down, that would be rude! 

If I was doing this challenge alone I would have eaten the cookie. Thankfully, I am not doing this alone. I was able to avoid that first temptation knowing I had to answer to my friend, and everyone else I texted and told them to ask me if I'd had sugar when. they see me. 

We had a family over for dinner yesterday. This family is amazing and is currently on doing the Whole 30 for the somethingth time. She lent me the Whole 30 book and showed me the part on what to expect when you are detoxing from sugar day to day.

The rest of the day was easy. Then it was night, the kids were in bed, and my sugar craving kicked in. Instead of joining my husband in diving into my children's GIANT bag of Halloween candy I made a pumpkin smoothie because in addition to being a sugar addict, I am also a pumpkin addict. But it's autumn and there is no way I'm giving up my pumpkin treats. It worked beautifully. I sipped my sweet treat and felt smug that I had made it through day 1. 

This morning I woke up to another treat. This one was in the form of a text message; another friend wants to join my in my no-sugar challenge! I'm thrilled!

I took the giant bag of Halloween candy to a dentist trading candy for toys, so at least it's out of the house now.

Today I felt tired all day, a bit foggy. According to the Whole 30 sugar detox chapter, that's about par for the course. I should feel better by next week.

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