Saturday, July 05, 2008

Congratulations! Your Team Has Successfully Completed the WOMAN Challenge!

Today marks the end of the WOMAN Challenge. My mom, my sister and I were all on a team. We worked hard, and together we completed the route! I'm so proud of us!

I really got into the habit of working out! I've done Tao Bo, Palates, Jogging, Swimming, Biking, and I feel that I now have a more active lifestyle.

I'm definitely more in shape (evident by the fact that I can play whole games of Ultimate Frisbee with out walking for most of the game, and that I biked all over my city yesterday for the 4th of July) but my goal when I started was to lose weight. I have not. Well, I've lost around three pounds, which puts me right under the "overweight" category. I am now officially, a good weight for my body size, but it's still no where near what I want to weigh. I do feel like the goal is attainable though, and I know if I stay active I'll be able to reach it.

Overall, I'm so glad my sister got me into this, and I'm so glad I participated on such a great team!!

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