Friday, December 01, 2006

I saw me life flash before me eyes.

Today I got to go shopping with my mother and my wonderfully pregnant sister. We came home by way of State Street. My mother was driving, my sister and not-yet-neice/nephew were in the front seat. Suddenly we relized that there was a car coming towards us very quickly in our lane.What I mean to say is that he was driving north in an south bound lane. He was coming straight for us and accelerating. My mother slammed on the brakes and he swerved into the suicide lane, back onto the correct side of the road, and kept going, speeding like a demon, only to crash into two cars.

Apparently, it was quite the ordeal.

Yeah. So, that was an adventure.

Changing topics, on May 17 I posted that I was going to get a princess dress for the wedding of Krateizzling. Seven months later, and five days before the wedding, I finally got my princess dress. Actually, it's not so much a princess dress as a slinky dress. As in: "If I'm going to buy a dress I want one with a little more slink."
But I think it still qualifies as a princess dress.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:35 PM

    That was quite an adventure! Did you screech to safety? Who did the most screeching? You, your mom, your sister, or your car?

    And slinky is good. ;)


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