Thursday, March 08, 2007

One Month to the Day of Doom

I have a life list of goals. This list was supposed to be compleated by April 8, 2007 a.k.a. my 21st birthday.
I'm so not going to make it.
Not only that, but 21 is just old. I don't want to be 21! I like telling people I'm 20, it sounds nice. I've always hated birthdays, but this one looms more dreaded.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Holy crap Kirsa is old.

    Kaylizzle, I miss saying we are 19. 20 sucks. 21 will suck more. Think about it--22!! 22!!!! TWENTY-TWOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (poo)


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