Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Can I Give One More Suggestion? No. How About Curtains? No! Manly Curtains? Oxymoron. What Did You Call Me?

I'm loving audio books. They allow me to read a book and listen to a different book at the same time. And, since I am an auditory learner, I can remember quotes with much greater accuracy then if I simply read it. I listen to them while driving, which I feel is a fantastic use of time.

I've grown to love audiobooks so much that when I finish one, and have to drive around without one, I feel sad. The news? The radio? How boring! I need an audiobook!

Today an audiobook I've had on hold at the library finally came in. I went and got it, and as I was checking out I read the cover to find out if it was unabridged. This information cannot be gleaned from the library catalog, and I can't stand abridged versions, so I've had to return some audiobooks the same day I check them out. Anyway, this one said: "Unabridged Selections".

Um...does that mean abridged? Unabridged selections? Isn't that an oxymoron?! What good is that?


  1. Ah! I hate it when books are abridged! And that seems to ALWAYS happen with audiobooks.

  2. I know! And sometimes they don't even SAY abridged, and I'm left to figure it out on my own. I HATE that!

  3. I like audiobooks, but I discovered that they make me sleepy on long trips. But they are definitely useful and a great way to learn while driving!

    I didn't know that audiobooks could be abridged. How bad is it?


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