Thursday, July 14, 2011

Good Morning? You're Bellatrix Lestrange, Not Some Dewey-Eyed Schoolgirl!

Yes, I am one of those nerds who goes to midnight premieres or movies and book releases dressed as a character. I've done it several times, not just for Harry Potter, but for Lord of the Rings, X-men... It goes great with my personal motto: Any excuse to throw a party. 

And what a party it will be. I have a ticket to the 12:01 am showing of the last Harry Potter movie. I'm going dressed up as Bellatrix, I'm going with Moaning Myrtle and Tonks. 

In the last two weeks I've watched all the Harry Potter movies except the last one, which will watch in line tonight. 

I'm very, very excited. 

Ash isn't going, but she did wear this shirt today: 
It was made my my super-artistic friend. Not only do I love the shirt, but it's good to know that there are people out there just as excited as I am.


  1. Some of my geeky friends have started referring to the anti-intellectual media consuming masses as "muggles". It's funny, and actually appropriate. :)

  2. Don't forget Star Wars!

  3. Kestrel says:

    I'M GOING 4 HOURS BEFORE YOU. Just think, if Drek worked for 1800 Contacts, you too could be going before anyone else. Mwahhaha. I am not dressed up. Well, actually, I am. For me. Which considering the last several weeks, is a big deal. Ash is not muggle-born though. YOU are, but Ash isn't. Dun dun dun!

    (edited by me)


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