My sister had also made these amazing dessert treats. She had carved orange peels to look like Jack-O-Lanterns and filled them with Hot Apple Cider Jello. What a fun treat!!!
This morning I got dressed up in my work-appropriate Halloween costume and had so much fun making it! I took a black shirt and safety-pinned a folded white tank-top down the back. I had a headband with ears on it, and a tail to pin on the back.

Drek drove me to work and we listened to Nightmare Before Christmas on the way to get into the spirit of things. Work went really well. I was expecting it to be dead because of Halloween, but the morning was busy and we did well. That is, until about 11:30, when the place went dead and there were no souls in sight. I cleaned, got caught up on what I had missed while I was gone to California, and read my Midnighters book, which was a fantastic choice, because the book is building toward midnight on Halloween.
Kara and I hung out and we knitted (she is so fast!! Will I ever be as fast as her?) and she told me a wonderful Halloween Story about how she got the most purple monster in the world.
We went to show of my costume to my sister right before she had to leave, and then we raced back home to have a quick Halloween-ish dinner at y house. It was then time to go to the corn maze!! Rissy came drove the van and we all piled in. There was another Kara, Ismael and Cavan. Alas, the corn maze closes after 6pm on Halloween! So we took some pictures and decided to go to the Scream Asylum.
When we o there, we tried to recruit people to join our "group" if you have 13 people to a group, it's $5 less per ticket. We were successfully! And what's even better, taught the trick to a bunch of girls, who tried to collect their own group. I think the Scream Asylum saw a strange influx of large groups that night.
Anyway, the Asylum was AMAZING!! So worth $10. There was even a 3D part where you had to wear 3D glasses and it was really visually stunning. I loved it!!
After that is was back to Rissy's house to enjoy root-beer floats, lots of candy, and CLUE. Three people in our ever-increasingly large group had never seen the movie all the way through. It;s so much better to watch if you are getting people's first-time reactions.
After the movie Drek and I came home to play with Acouchi and put her in her Halloween costume. Behold: A Cat Burglar!!!

A very good costume if I do say so myself!!
Gasp, and tomorrow is NaNoWriMo!!!